All Classes and Interfaces

Command which can be used to print information about the plugin, such as name, author, and version.
Represents an economy account.
Represents a command handler which manages accounts.
Manages, creates, saves, and loads player accounts.
Models a command which allows players to add a balance to another player's account.
Models a command which allows a player to check another player's balance.
Handles common Command tasks.
Root configuration container for the Experience Economy mod.
Represents a bottle options configuration container.
Implements a command which can be used to deduct a specific amount from a player's account.
Economy processing method.
Handles experience bottle events.
The XP Economy handler.
The main plugin class for Experience Economy
An account manager with a MySQL backend.
Handles the Pay command and subcommand.
Represents a player account.
Manages player accounts.
Listener class for player events.
Task used to synchronize player experience with a value in an account.
Performs XP conversion, calculation, and updating.
Models a command which allows a user to trigger a configuration reload.
Implements a command which allows a user to set another user's balance.
Implements a command which can be used to sync a user's account balance to their current XP balance.
Implements a command which can be used to transfer balance from one player to another.
Handles commands that require access to the vault configuration instance.
Handles world events.
An account manager with a YAML file backend.